First week of games are in the books!

Our first games are in the books! I hope everyone had a great time on Sunday! Thank you to everyone who pitched in and helped make our first week a success especially the captains and HOps for helping the evening run smoothly.
If you’d like to see current standings and stats they are/are linked here If you visit this page logged in, you can also mark yourself absent or willing to sub for all the upcoming games as well as see your “My Scorebox Shift” listed for when you are in the scorebox.
A few items of business:
1. League fees are due as soon as possible. If you’ve already paid or made arrangements, thank you! If you need to make payment arrangements or need assistance, you can fill out the form here or email Zach Nelson-Houstin at
2. While you’re on the site, please make sure your contact info is correct so captains can email/text you to sub, and please add a pic of yourself to help us learn names!
3. If you have a problem with your jersey (other than size), please let me know so I can get that feedback to the printer and potentially get it straightened out for you. If you didn’t get a league tshirt yet, let me know what size and I can bring it to you this week!
4. Kelli Martino will be picking up skates for drop off sharpening this week before 8:30pm, see the pic below of the bin. Please follow the guidelines laid out the previous email for that service. Contact with any questions.
5. Please visit our social sponsors when you can: Bear and Bottle, Dexter’s, and Glass Nickel!
Quick reminders:
Please clean up after yourselves after your games and in the stands and get trash to the bins. We have a really good reputation with the rink and we’d like to keep it!
As always, we encourage the MGHA Way on and off the ice: safe, supportive, and fun!
Thank you all,
on behalf of the MGHA Board (Tim, Andi, Maggie, Eric, Zach, and me)
The skate sharpening drop off bin:
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