Become an MGHA Sponsor!

As a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Madison Gay Hockey Association is dependent on member fees, community sponsors, and donations from supporters like you.

We have many options for local and national companies to sponsor the MGHA! Company sponsors are often featured on MGHA Season t-shirts, team jerseys, and this website. We also have opportunities for sponsoring the Annual MGHA Classic Tournament (typically held in late April). We accept both monetary and in-kind sponsorships.

Check out our current list of sponsors here

Levels of League Sponsorship:

(All sponsors will also be listed on the MGHA Sponsors Page. Ask us about volume pricing!)

Gold Level Sponsor – $6,000+
Mention at all events and league communications, with prominent company logo on MGHA season t-shirts, all player jerseys, MGHA banner, prominently on the MGHA website, and Official MGHA Game Pucks* (claimed for 2023-2024) and “Player of the Game” Pucks*

Silver Level Sponsor – $2,000+
Mention at all events and league communications, with a prominent company logo on MGHA season t-shirts, 4 team’s player jerseys, MGHA banner, and on the MGHA website

T Shirt Sponsor – Major $1000+ / Minor $200+
Company logo on MGHA season t-shirts that are given to all players at the beginning of the season. Major sponsors will be featured prominently

Team Sponsor – $600 per team
Company logo on a team’s player jerseys and on MGHA season t-shirts

Banner Sponsor – Major $500+ / Minor $100+
Company logo on the MGHA banner that will be used for all recruiting and outreach events for multiple seasons. Major sponsors will be featured prominently

Player of the Game” Puck Sponsor* – $500+
Two-color company logo alongside MGHA logo on pucks that are awarded for player/play of the game for all MGHA teams for one season. Additional costs for mutli-color logo on pucks. *Limited to one sponsor per season

Official MGHA Game Puck Sponsor* – $300+
Full side two-color company logo on all game pucks for one season (opposite side features MGHA logo). *Limited to one sponsor per season
(claimed for 2023-2024 season)

Bar / Restaurant / Event Sponsor* – $100 per Sunday night (minimum of 3, max of 10)
Mention at the start of that week’s games, in league communications, and on social media. Company logo on MGHA season t-shirts. We will also do our best to encourage folks to organize a league social outing to your venue/event during the season.

Deadline for 2023-2024 MGHA Season Sponsors: September 30, 2023
(in order to have time to print logos on shirts/jerseys)

Other Sponsorship Opportunities:

Player Scholarship
We don’t want cost to be a barrier to players in the MGHA. You can sponsor an individual player’s costs for the season. Typically players pay a $100 deposit to secure their spot in the league and then an additional $265 (total of $365) for additional league fees.

BIPOC Scholarship Fund
We are especially committed to making hockey accessible to typically underrepresented groups. You can donate to the BIPOC Scholarship Fund to support players of color who need financial assistance.

Gear Assistance Sponsorships
One of the biggest barriers to starting out in hockey is getting equipment. You can donate money to the Gear Assistance Fund to help players acquire gear or donate new or gently used hockey gear to the league. Learn more about donating gear on the Donate to the MGHA page.

In-Kind Donations
We also accept in-kind donations from company sponsors. These could be gift cards/certificates, coupons, services, etc. Companies that provide in-kind donations will also be listed on the MGHA Sponsor page

Supporter Donations
Not a part of a company or just want to donate to the MGHA? Learn more about donations on the Donate to the MGHA page.

MGHA Sponsorship Application

Note: Please only fill out this form if you are interested in being a company sponsor! We will delete submissions that are submitted by bots or are not relevant. Thank you!