
2 - 2

The Heartthrobs! vs Freshmakers

1 - 2

Queer Lime Pie (L) vs Squirtle Squad (W)

1 - 1

Jurassic Puck vs H2-Ohhhhhhh's

1 - 5

Orange Crush (L) vs Goth Darn It! (W)

0 - 1

Sunny Defense (L) vs Sith Happens (W)

0 - 2

Assembly Required (L) vs Blue Screen of Death (W)

1 - 1

Rubber Puckies vs Cookie Monsters

0 - 3

The IncREDibles (L) vs Just Ice (W)

1 - 0

Sunny Defense (W) vs Rubber Puckies (L)

0 - 1

Blue Screen of Death (L) vs Goth Darn It! (W)

1 - 0

Queer Lime Pie (W) vs The IncREDibles (L)

4 - 4

Assembly Required vs Orange Crush

4 - 3

Cookie Monsters (W) vs Sith Happens (L)

2 - 4

Jurassic Puck (L) vs The Heartthrobs! (W)

3 - 1

H2-Ohhhhhhh's (W) vs Freshmakers (L)

1 - 2

Just Ice (L) vs Squirtle Squad (W)

1 - 2

Assembly Required (L) vs Goth Darn It! (W)

4 - 4

Freshmakers vs Jurassic Puck

1 - 3

Sith Happens (L) vs Rubber Puckies (W)

0 - 1

The Heartthrobs! (L) vs H2-Ohhhhhhh's (W)

4 - 1

Just Ice (W) vs Queer Lime Pie (L)

3 - 1

Cookie Monsters (W) vs Sunny Defense (L)

3 - 3

The IncREDibles vs Squirtle Squad

2 - 1

Blue Screen of Death (W) vs Orange Crush (L)

4:30 pm

Goth Darn It! + Orange Crush practice

2 - 2

The IncREDibles vs Cookie Monsters

5:40 pm

Blue Screen of Death + Assembly Required practice

2 - 0

Squirtle Squad (W) vs Sith Happens (L)

1 - 4

H2-Ohhhhhhh's (L) vs Jurassic Puck (W)

2 - 6

Rubber Puckies (L) vs Just Ice (W)

2 - 3

Freshmakers (L) vs The Heartthrobs! (W)

0 - 0

Queer Lime Pie vs Sunny Defense

2 - 1

Blue Screen of Death (W) vs Assembly Required (L)

1 - 0

Just Ice (W) vs Cookie Monsters (L)

0 - 3

The IncREDibles (L) vs Rubber Puckies (W)

1 - 1

The Heartthrobs! vs Jurassic Puck

1 - 4

Squirtle Squad (L) vs Sunny Defense (W)

1 - 0

Goth Darn It! (W) vs Orange Crush (L)

1 - 3

Freshmakers (L) vs H2-Ohhhhhhh's (W)

1 - 3

Queer Lime Pie (L) vs Sith Happens (W)

0 - 1

Cookie Monsters (L) vs Squirtle Squad (W)

2 - 6

Orange Crush (L) vs Assembly Required (W)

1 - 1

Rubber Puckies vs Queer Lime Pie

1 - 1

Goth Darn It! vs Blue Screen of Death

3 - 1

Jurassic Puck (W) vs Freshmakers (L)

4 - 1

Sunny Defense (W) vs The IncREDibles (L)

3 - 3

Sith Happens vs Just Ice

4 - 1

H2-Ohhhhhhh's (W) vs The Heartthrobs! (L)

3 - 4

Sunny Defense (L) vs Just Ice (W)

3 - 0

Orange Crush (W) vs Blue Screen of Death (L)

0 - 4

Rubber Puckies (L) vs Squirtle Squad (W)

2 - 5

Goth Darn It! (L) vs Assembly Required (W)

2 - 5

The Heartthrobs! (L) vs Freshmakers (W)

0 - 2

Sith Happens (L) vs The IncREDibles (W)

1 - 3

Cookie Monsters (L) vs Queer Lime Pie (W)

6 - 0

Jurassic Puck (W) vs H2-Ohhhhhhh's (L)

2 - 3

Freshmakers (L) vs H2-Ohhhhhhh's (W)

4 - 1

Cookie Monsters (W) vs Rubber Puckies (L)

2 - 5

The Heartthrobs! (L) vs Jurassic Puck (W)

3 - 0

Squirtle Squad (W) vs Queer Lime Pie (L)

6:50 pm

Blue Screen of Death + Goth Darn It! practice

2 - 0

Just Ice (W) vs The IncREDibles (L)

1 - 0

Sith Happens (W) vs Sunny Defense (L)

9:10 pm

Assembly Required + Orange Crush practice

1 - 2

Just Ice (L) vs Squirtle Squad (W)

1 - 2

H2-Ohhhhhhh's (L) vs The Heartthrobs! (W)

5 - 0

The IncREDibles (W) vs Queer Lime Pie (L)

2 - 3

Jurassic Puck (L) vs Freshmakers (W)

0 - 2

Orange Crush (L) vs Goth Darn It! (W)

0 - 6

Cookie Monsters (L) vs Sith Happens (W)

2 - 2

Rubber Puckies vs Sunny Defense

2 - 1

Assembly Required (W) vs Blue Screen of Death (L)

2 - 5

Freshmakers (L) vs The Heartthrobs! (W)

2 - 1

Just Ice (W) vs Queer Lime Pie (L)

3 - 2

H2-Ohhhhhhh's (W) vs Jurassic Puck (L)

2 - 1

Squirtle Squad (W) vs The IncREDibles (L)

5 - 2

Sunny Defense (W) vs Cookie Monsters (L)

2 - 2

Assembly Required vs Orange Crush

2 - 0

Blue Screen of Death (W) vs Goth Darn It! (L)

2 - 3

Sith Happens (L) vs Rubber Puckies (W)

1 - 2

Squirtle Squad (L) vs Sith Happens (W)

4 - 0

The Heartthrobs! (W) vs Jurassic Puck (L)

0 - 1

The IncREDibles (L) vs Cookie Monsters (W)

3 - 0

Freshmakers (W) vs H2-Ohhhhhhh's (L)

0 - 4

Rubber Puckies (L) vs Just Ice (W)

2 - 2

Orange Crush vs Blue Screen of Death

1 - 1

Assembly Required vs Goth Darn It!

3 - 2

Queer Lime Pie (W) vs Sunny Defense (L)

4:45 pm

Goth Darn It! + Assembly Required practice

4 - 3

Jurassic Puck (W) vs Freshmakers (L)

3 - 2

Sunny Defense (W) vs Squirtle Squad (L)

2 - 0

Sith Happens (W) vs Queer Lime Pie (L)

3 - 0

The Heartthrobs! (W) vs H2-Ohhhhhhh's (L)

3 - 5

Cookie Monsters (L) vs Just Ice (W)

2 - 1

Rubber Puckies (W) vs The IncREDibles (L)

9:25 pm

Orange Crush + Blue Screen of Death practice

0 - 2

The IncREDibles (L) vs Sunny Defense (W)

4 - 1

Just Ice (W) vs Sith Happens (L)

2 - 2

Queer Lime Pie vs Rubber Puckies

1 - 2

H2-Ohhhhhhh's (L) vs Jurassic Puck (W)

2 - 1

Freshmakers (W) vs The Heartthrobs! (L)

1 - 1

Blue Screen of Death vs Assembly Required

0 - 1

Goth Darn It! (L) vs Orange Crush (W)

1 - 3

Squirtle Squad (L) vs Cookie Monsters (W)

2 - 2

H2-Ohhhhhhh's vs Freshmakers

2 - 4

Jurassic Puck (L) vs The Heartthrobs! (W)

2 - 0

Goth Darn It! (W) vs Blue Screen of Death (L)

4 - 2

Orange Crush (W) vs Assembly Required (L)

3 - 1

Queer Lime Pie (W) vs Cookie Monsters (L)

2 - 2

Squirtle Squad vs Rubber Puckies

2 - 4

Sith Happens (L) vs The IncREDibles (W)

2 - 1

Sunny Defense (W) vs Just Ice (L)

1 - 2

Sith Happens (L) vs Cookie Monsters (W)

2 - 0

Queer Lime Pie (W) vs The IncREDibles (L)

4 - 0

Assembly Required (W) vs Orange Crush (L)

4 - 3

H2-Ohhhhhhh’s (W) vs Freshmakers (L)

7 - 1

The Heartthrobs! (W) vs Jurassic Puck (L)

1 - 0

Goth Darn It! (W) vs Blue Screen of Death (L)

3 - 1

Just Ice (W) vs Squirtle Squad (L)

0 - 2

Sunny Defense (L) vs Rubber Puckies (W)