2020-2021 League Deposit Now Open

Returning player registration deposit is now open! https://www.madisongayhockey.org/product/2020-2021-league-deposit/

We are proceeding as though we will have a “normal” season but we are lowering the deposit to $5 to not tie up funds for folks in the case that we have to cancel (all deposits and dues will be refunded if there is no season).

We will be following all USA Hockey https://www.usahockey.com/playersafety and Capitol Ice Arena guidelines for COVID at minimum, and may add more safety requirements.

We may look at starting the season a little differently, possible later start, fewer skaters on the ice for clinics, but hope to be able to start the league games in November as usual while following safety guidelines.

We understand not everyone will feel comfortable playing at all and may wish to sit out this season. We respect that choice and it will not compromise any eligibility for future seasons.

Registration Details:

– Dues will be $300 total. $5 deposit plus $295 due at season start. Goalies will also have $5 deposit and have $95 due at season start. Financial assistance will be available, you can fill out the form here: https://www.madisongayhockey.org/joining/financial-aid/

– We will keep our Sunday evening time slot at Capital Ice, September(??) through March, so mark your calendars.- All last season’s players will be able to register. Alumni (previous players that didn’t play last season) in good standing will be able to register in the returning player registration window provided they email recruiting@madisongayhockey.org to have their status updated.

– Choose your league preference. Subbing across leagues will be allowed. You can also update this field in your user profile: login, go to your account info https://www.madisongayhockey.org/account/ and scroll to the bottom.

– End of business day July 19th is the deadline for returning players. After that date, returning players will be treated as new recruits and subject to waitlisting.

– USA Hockey registration still required by season start https://membership.usahockey.com/

We do have some folks with outstanding balances from last season. Our new treasurer is still working through the list. If you know you did not pay the amount you had arranged to pay, please do so or fill out the financial aid form, or contact Gene at treasurer@madisongayhockey.org to make arrangements. Failure to do so may risk your ability to play with us in the future.

Looking forward to seeing you on the ice!