Town Hall Rescheduled!

Town Hall rescheduled to February 20th, 6:30 PM at the Glass Nickel on Atwood.
Note we plan to go more quickly on the Board topics because of the state of the league summary email.

Previous post:
Hopefully this time we will now have our annual Town Hall meeting! The meeting will be in the basement of the Glass Nickel pizza as usual on Atwood. The meeting starts at 6:30 and we have the room until 10. There will be pizza of several varieties so come grab a slice and check in on how the MGHA is doing.
Please take a look at the agenda as we will be discussing some formatting changes (as part of the meeting we will explain them).

Brief board introduction and our acting roles
Presidential Address
Clarification of new forum for discussion
5 minutes to introduce your topic of discussion and present your arguments
10 minutes total discussion for the topic after introduced, then it becomes old business
Next meeting will have similar format to introduce old business again
Summary of agenda with brief explanation
Conduct form introduction – Maggie
HOps update – Tim
Survey results summary high level, positives and negatives – Witte
Actions taken in response
MGHA Classic Tournament
Cap Ice discussion
Recap of all topics mentioned
Open discussion

Hope to see you all there!

Secretary Witte