2018 Annual Member Meeting

Annual Member Meeting
Wednesday May 23rd
Glass Nickel East
2916 Atwood Avenue

The 2018 Annual Member Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 23rd at 7pm at Glass Nickel East. This meeting is for members of the league; the primary purpose of this meeting is for the election of a new board of directors. 

If you are not a member but would like to be one: New applicants may go to the Membership page and fill out an application by Sunday, April 29th. In order to become a member, you must have played at least one year with the league, be aligned with the MGHA mission, and have sponsorship from a current member. We also ask for a commitment to serve the league, either formally or informally. Membership is your way to be involved in making decisions for the league. 

If you would like to run for the Board of Directors or nominate someone to run: Please email president@madisongayhockey.org with an email stating your intention to run or your nomination. You may choose to declare your intentions any time between now and the start of the meeting; nominees will have until the start of the meeting to accept or decline a nomination, but may do so at any time. Per the Bylaws, voting for the Board of Directors must be done in person at the Annual Member Meeting–in other words, you must be present to vote. 

A formal agenda will be sent to members prior to the meeting. If you have anything you would like to see discussed, please email the Board or President. 

On behalf of your 2017-18 Board (Matthew, Shelly, Sara, Tim, Randi, Amanda and myself),
-k8, President