MGHA Schedule

Log in before printing in order to highlight your games and scorebox shifts.

Sunday, October 27th

5:00 PMWe All ScreamMustard Militia
5:10 PMHomo Depotbrat but it's a hockey team
6:10 PMOops! All KermitsRink Pony Club
6:20 PMIce-O-TopesYeti to Rumble
7:20 PMRed W(h)ine SupernovaThe Pollinators

Sunday, November 3rd

5:00 PMPineapples Under The SeabRed
5:10 PMDark MagicTealetubbies
6:10 PMGeriHattricksRoyalTeas
6:20 PMPeppermint PattiesIceKEA
7:20 PMThe PollinatorsMustard Militia

Sunday, November 10th

4:00 PMPineapples Under The SeabRed
4:10 PMPeppermint PattiesIceKEA
5:10 PMWe All ScreamMustard Militia
5:20 PMDark MagicTealetubbies
6:20 PMRink Pony ClubOops! All Kermits
6:30 PMHomo Depotbrat but it's a hockey team
7:30 PMRed W(h)ine SupernovaThe Pollinators
7:40 PMGeriHattricksRoyalTeas
8:40 PMIce-O-TopesYeti to Rumble

Sunday, November 17th

4:00 PMThe PollinatorsRink Pony Club
5:00 PMRoyalTeasbRed
5:10 PMMustard MilitiaRed W(h)ine Supernova
6:10 PMPineapples Under The SeaGeriHattricks
6:20 PMOops! All KermitsWe All Scream
7:20 PMYeti to Rumblebrat but it's a hockey team
7:30 PMDark MagicPeppermint Patties
8:30 PMHomo DepotIce-O-Topes
8:40 PMTealetubbiesIceKEA

Sunday, November 24th

4:00 PMbrat but it's a hockey teamIce-O-Topes
5:00 PMIceKEADark Magic
5:10 PMRoyalTeasPineapples Under The Sea
6:10 PMPeppermint PattiesTealetubbies
6:20 PMMustard MilitiaThe Pollinators
7:20 PMYeti to RumbleHomo Depot
7:30 PMOops! All KermitsRed W(h)ine Supernova
8:30 PMGeriHattricksbRed
8:40 PMWe All ScreamRink Pony Club

Sunday, December 1st

-- no games scheduled --

Sunday, December 8th

4:40 PMWe All ScreamMustard Militia
5:00 PMOops! All KermitsRink Pony Club
5:50 PMGeriHattricksYeti to Rumble
6:10 PMRed W(h)ine SupernovaThe Pollinators
7:00 PMIce-O-TopesRoyalTeas
7:20 PMPineapples Under The SeaHomo Depot
8:10 PMTealetubbiesDark Magic
8:30 PMbRedbrat but it's a hockey team
9:20 PMIceKEAPeppermint Patties

Sunday, December 15th

4:30 PMIceKEATealetubbies
5:00 PMGeriHattricksIce-O-Topes
5:40 PMPeppermint PattiesDark Magic
6:10 PMbRedHomo Depot
6:50 PMRed W(h)ine SupernovaWe All Scream
7:20 PMRoyalTeasYeti to Rumble
8:00 PMRink Pony ClubMustard Militia
8:30 PMPineapples Under The Seabrat but it's a hockey team
9:10 PMThe PollinatorsOops! All Kermits

Sunday, December 22nd

-- no games scheduled --

Sunday, December 29th

-- no games scheduled --

Sunday, January 5th

4:30 PMHomo DepotGeriHattricks
5:00 PMYeti to RumblebRed
5:40 PMbrat but it's a hockey teamRoyalTeas
6:10 PMIce-O-TopesPineapples Under The Sea
6:50 PMDark MagicIceKEA
7:20 PMThe PollinatorsWe All Scream
8:00 PMTealetubbiesPeppermint Patties
8:30 PMRed W(h)ine SupernovaRink Pony Club
9:10 PMOops! All KermitsMustard Militia

Sunday, January 12th

4:30 PMIce-O-TopesbRed
5:00 PMPeppermint PattiesIceKEA
5:40 PMRink Pony ClubOops! All Kermits
6:10 PMDark MagicTealetubbies
6:50 PMThe PollinatorsRed W(h)ine Supernova
7:20 PMbrat but it's a hockey teamGeriHattricks
8:00 PMMustard MilitiaWe All Scream
8:30 PMYeti to RumblePineapples Under The Sea
9:10 PMHomo DepotRoyalTeas

Sunday, January 19th

-- no games scheduled --

Sunday, January 26th

5:00 PMYeti to RumbleIce-O-Topes
5:10 PMIceKEATealetubbies
6:10 PMbRedPineapples Under The Sea
6:20 PMPeppermint PattiesDark Magic
7:20 PMRoyalTeasGeriHattricks
7:30 PMThe PollinatorsMustard Militia
8:30 PMbrat but it's a hockey teamHomo Depot

Sunday, February 2nd

4:30 PMYeti to Rumblebrat but it's a hockey team
5:00 PMGeriHattricksPineapples Under The Sea
5:40 PMIce-O-TopesHomo Depot
6:10 PMRink Pony ClubThe Pollinators
6:50 PMTealetubbiesPeppermint Patties
7:20 PMWe All ScreamOops! All Kermits
8:00 PMDark MagicIceKEA
8:30 PMMustard MilitiaRed W(h)ine Supernova
9:10 PMRoyalTeasbRed

Sunday, February 9th

Sign up for MGHA Super Bowl Scrimmages - February 9th 2025

  • 5:10pm - 6:20pm — L1+L2 Scrimmage
  • 5:20pm - 6:20pm — Goalie Curious Clinic (1/3 ice) + Open Stick and Puck (2/3 ice)
  • 6:20pm - 7:20pm — L2+L3 Scrimmage
  • 6:30pm - 7:30pm — L1+L2 Scrimmage

Sunday, February 16th

5:00 PMRed W(h)ine SupernovaOops! All Kermits
6:10 PMThe PollinatorsMustard Militia
6:20 PMHomo DepotYeti to Rumble
7:20 PMWe All ScreamRink Pony Club
7:30 PMbRedGeriHattricks
8:30 PMRoyalTeasPineapples Under The Sea
8:40 PMIceKEAPeppermint Patties
9:40 PMbrat but it's a hockey teamIce-O-Topes
9:50 PMTealetubbiesDark Magic

Sunday, February 23rd

4:30 PMGeriHattricksYeti to Rumble
5:40 PMIce-O-TopesRoyalTeas
6:20 PMbRedbrat but it's a hockey team
6:50 PMPineapples Under The SeaHomo Depot
7:30 PMWe All ScreamRed W(h)ine Supernova
8:00 PMIceKEATealetubbies
8:40 PMOops! All KermitsThe Pollinators
9:10 PMPeppermint PattiesDark Magic
9:50 PMMustard MilitiaRink Pony Club

Sunday, March 2nd

4:30 PMbrat but it's a hockey teamPineapples Under The Sea
5:40 PMHomo DepotbRed
6:50 PMYeti to RumbleRoyalTeas
8:00 PMIce-O-TopesGeriHattricks
A state tournament means we only have one sheet of ice this night.

Sunday, March 9th

4:30 PMDark MagicIceKEA
5:40 PMPeppermint PattiesTealetubbies
6:50 PMMustard MilitiaWe All Scream
A state tournament means we only have one sheet of ice this night.

Sunday, March 16th

5:00 PMTealetubbiesDark Magic
6:10 PMIceKEAPeppermint Patties
6:20 PMOops! All KermitsMustard Militia
7:20 PMRoyalTeasbrat but it's a hockey team
7:30 PMPineapples Under The SeaIce-O-Topes
8:30 PMThe PollinatorsWe All Scream
8:40 PMGeriHattricksHomo Depot
9:40 PMRink Pony ClubRed W(h)ine Supernova
9:50 PMbRedYeti to Rumble

Sunday, March 23rd

4:30 PMbRedIce-O-Topes
5:00 PMbrat but it's a hockey teamGeriHattricks
5:40 PMHomo DepotRoyalTeas
6:10 PMRed W(h)ine SupernovaThe Pollinators
6:50 PMTealetubbiesIceKEA
7:20 PMRink Pony ClubOops! All Kermits
8:00 PMDark MagicPeppermint Patties
8:30 PMMustard MilitiaWe All Scream
9:10 PMPineapples Under The SeaYeti to Rumble

Sunday, March 30th

Championship Night


For on and off ice events. Contact the board to add or update any event.