Rebecca Pfaff – 2014-2015 Essay

Doesn’t begin to sum up all the ways my time in MGHA has changed me (emotionally, politically, socially, ethically, etc…), but it is a start and my plane is about to take off. I’m not very good at editing so feel free to do so as you see fit.

I skate to the boards, throw myself over, struggle to catch my breath, and look up to the eclectic group in the stands.  There are students, cooks, and a lot of computer engineers. They are laughing, hugging, rocking babies, and enjoying a cold one. They are fat, skinny, short, tall, and everywhere on the gender spectrum. I am a resident doctor and learn all about the infectious diseases, mental health illnesses, and substance use disorders that plague the LGBT community. MGHA reminds me weekly that that is not the whole story.  Each week I am reminded of the wonderful, vivid lives my teammates lead.  These last two years they are the people who have renewed my passion for learning for the sake of learning and made me feel accepted and appreciated regardless of my skill or lack thereof.  MGHA has made me a better person and helped me maintain my sanity through this challenging period in my life.  I can’t imagine that I will ever feel so much affection for a crowd as viewed from the bench.