Subbing / Absences


If you are going to be absent from a game, you must indicate this in one of two ways:

  1. Through the website.
    • Head to the home page. If the absence is for a future game, head to the Teams & Schedule page.
    • Locate the game you will be absent for.
    • Uncheck “I will attend”.
    • Email your captain.
  2. Email your captain and ask them to mark you as not-attending on the website.

Your absences must be entered by Sunday at 11 AM or your captain won’t be given sub suggestions.  Please mark yourself as absent as soon as possible to give your captain time to plan.


If you wish to sub for a game, you may indicate this through the website:

  1. Head to the home page. If you want to indicate a sub request for a future game, head to the Teams & Schedule page.
  2. Locate the game you want to sub for.
  3. Check “I want to sub”.

Your subbing preference must be entered by Sunday at 11 AM or the captains won’t be given your name as a potential sub.  Captains will typically reach out to potential subs between noon and 3pm on game day Sundays.  Preferred method of contact is texting, but you may also receive messages via other forms of communication (FB Messenger, email, etc.).

The sub desk system uses a set of rules to decide who to recommend as a sub.



If you are going to be absent from a scrimmage, you must indicate this on the website:

  1. Head to the home page. If the absence is for a future scrimmage, head to the Teams & Schedule page.
  2. Locate the scrimmage you will be absent for.
  3. Uncheck “I will attend”.


Sub spots for scrimmages open 3 days before the scrimmage at 9am.  If the scrimmage is on a Wednesday, sub spots will open at 9am on Sunday.  By checking the checkbox, you are signing up directly to play in that scrimmage.

If you wish to sub for a scrimmage, you may indicate this through the website:

  1. Head to the home page or the Teams & Schedule page.
  2. Locate the scrimmage you want to sub for.
  3. Check the checkbox next to the number of available sub spots.

Clicking the checkbox means you have secured a sub spot and may attend.